advantages of Indonesian pineapple compared to other countries
Indonesian pineapple has several advantages that distinguish it from pineapples in other countries. Here are some important points:
Unique Sweet Taste:
Pineapples from Bumi Seinggok Sepemunyian in Prabumulih City, South Sumatra, are known as the sweetest pineapples in Indonesia with a brix of 13. This unique sweet taste has advantages that pineapples from other regions do not have
Quality and Varieties:
Indonesian pineapples have various cultivars that vary in size, color, taste, and nutritional content. The Cayenne and Queen cultivars are the two most widely grown cultivars in Indonesia
Health Benefits:
Indonesian pineapples contain various nutrients that are important for health, such as vitamins, antioxidants, and bromelain. This fruit can help you lose weight, reduce the risk of cancer, and boost immunity
To choose a fresh and quality pineapple, here are some tips you can follow
Look at the Crown Color:
A fresh pineapple that has a perfect level of ripeness has a crown that is upright and bright green. Do not take a pineapple that has brown spots on its crown, which indicates that the pineapple is no longer fresh and is almost rotten
Pay Attention to the Shape of the Bottom of the Fruit:
Choose a pineapple that tends to have a rounder bottom. Pineapples that are pointed at the top usually have less flesh
Observe the Size:
Choose a large pineapple. Large pineapples usually have more and sweeter flesh
Weigh the Weight:
Apart from the size, you can also weigh it. The heavier the pineapple, the sweeter the flesh
Press the Pineapple Skin:
Press the pineapple skin to make sure whether the fruit is ripe and sweet or not. If it is still hard, the pineapple is still young. Choose a pineapple that is soft enough when pressed
Smell the Aroma:
Smell the aroma of the pineapple to make sure it is ripe. If the aroma is sweet enough, it means the pineapple is ripe. Conversely, avoid pineapples that are not yet fragrant or have a pungent aroma like vinegar
Check the Base:
Check the color of the base of the pineapple's outer skin. If it is yellow, the pineapple can be said to be ripe. While the green outer skin of the pineapple indicates that the pineapple is not fully ripe. If you need fruit products from Indonesia, you can contact us.






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